Friday, December 20, 2019

Labeling Essay Sociology - 1979 Words

When a person is labeled as something he or she has become part of that particular sub-culture, and although that person might not consider themselves to be that particular label, society has the majority rule. If society considers a person with tattoos a rebel, that person is now a troublemaker in society’s eyes; he or she carries the characteristics of that certain label, and that title sticks. Labeling in society is a natural human property. Humans label sub-consciously in order to organize the people they may come in contact with in society day-to-day. This action takes place because having a label does not stop at the face; it runs much deeper. Labels carry characteristics, properties, and key traits that can give a person an idea of†¦show more content†¦Labeling in this manner is a great thing for it helps people, and from that labeled position a person can gain social status in their own group. In 1998 an article written by Patricia A. Adler and Peter Adler sta ted that â€Å"Cliques are, at their base, friendship circles, whose members tend to identify each other as mutually connected† (Pg. 155). Once a person is labeled as something whether it be a jock or a plastic, these people can now seek out others who are labeled similarly, and by doing so new friendships and relationships are born. Labels can introduce a person to a new set of people, which he or she would never have known if they were not labeled. In an article written by Martin Sanchez Jankowski in 1991 a â€Å"...hierarchy system is used to label members of a gang...† (Pg. 172). This hierarchy system can play a positive role in the life of a gang member because once you are placed on a level there is no ambiguity about a persons position and status; their responsibilities, liabilities, and expected actions are practically lied out for young gang member. 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